A workbench is a must if you want to start woodworking or any other DIY activity at home.
It will add a lot to your productivity and ergonomics of working.
You can build this simple workbench in a day with 2 sheets of 12 mm Plywood. The design is derived from the Paulk Workbench (available on Youtube).
The table top is a generous 2 ft x 4 ft and can accommodate large as well as small projects. At the same time it is small enough to fit under a bed or can be carried around in a car. The top has circular holes which can be used for clamping your workpieces.
I designed a square opening on one side of the table for fitting a 14"x14" plate, on to which I have mounted a circular saw - to make my circular saw. You can similarly get your table router and table jigsaw.

Break down the two nos 8 ft x4 ft sheets into 8 pieces of 4 ft x 2ft
1. 2 pieces of 4'x2' for bench top and Bottom
2. 2 pieces of 4'x2' for legs - further cut into 4 pieces of 2 ft x 2 ft
3. 1 piece of 4'x2' divided into 4'x6" - 2 pcs for bench sides; 2' x 6" 3 pieces for cross pieces
Other pieces of 4' x 2' to be used for the accessories required for your work.

Thickness of this version is 6", which is insufficient to accommodate a circular saw with blade retracted. You can redesign this to have a thickness of 12", which will be sufficient to accommodate most hand held power tools in the bench mode.
Alternate design for legs with storage below the bench top.

Mail kydo.in@gmail.com for a design, if you want to place an order for this or build this for yourself.